Pravaha Elixirs and Adn are spiritual tools designed to help you pursue your quest for evolution.
Pravaha elixirs are aromatic symphonies, blends of pure essential oils from plants and flowers. They have been created to improve your well-being, raise your vibration and help you identify and clarify your goals.
Each Elixir in this palette of 16, from which Adn draws its inspiration, has been created to work at the level of the soul, to raise its frequency, to connect with the Guides, to fluidify and dissolve obstacles.
Each elixir, and therefore each corresponding DNA, carries the energy of a guide.
Feminine Heart Chakra - Feminine Energy Wheel of the Heart
Meet Green Tara, she who whispers gently when you choose to embrace compassion and follow the path of unconditional support, she who breathes into you the strength to overcome obstacles on your own journey, she who wraps you in her benevolence, time and again, until you shine like her, an embodiment of compassion. She who welcomes you with empathy, wisdom, and love is the one who guides you towards this elixir of inner peace and universal understanding.

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